Революции и авангард


Революции и авангард: визуални бележки в полето на Великата и проклетата Октомврийска революция.

Центърът за култура и дебат „Червената къща“ в партньорство с Европейската мрежа на дебатните центрове Time to Talk представят публична лекция на изкуствоведката Яра Бубнова, една от създателките на Института за съвременно изкуство в София.


Радикалните утопии са немислими без социално, политическо, но и артистично въображение.

Как Октомврийската революция от 1917 г. повлиява образността?

Променят ли дистанциите във времето, новите оценки, политическите анализи и историческите подробности начина, по който „виждаме“ самото историческо събитие?

Как иконофилията и иконоклазма в най-новата ни история могат да бъдат разчетени през въпроса как образът влияе на представата ни за революцията?

Как борбата с „образите“ променя или не успява да промени историческите представи?

Какво е отражението на революциите върху изкуството?


Revolutions and the avant-garde: visual footnotes of the great and the damned October Revolution

At 18:30 EET on Tuesday the 8th November 2017, The Red House will host a discussion about the artistic revolution of 1917, asking how did the revolution change imagery and how much the image itself affects our perceptions of history.

Revolutions and their children

November is the month that is marked by two key historical events – the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 and the Revolutions of 1989. What legacies do these revolutions have and what is the fate of their children? What is the place of the October Revolution in Putin’s Russia? What role have the Revolutions of 1989 played in the development of Eastern Europe as part of the European Union? These are just a few points of reference for the great debate about revolutions, counter-revolutions, conservative and postmodern revolutions in the framework of the bigger, enduring question: what is progress?

Revolutions and the avant-garde: visual footnotes of the great and the damned October Revolution

Radical utopias are unthinkable without social, political and artistic imagination. How did the 1917 Revolution affect imagery? Have new assessments, political analyses and historical details changed the way we see the historical event of the revolution? How can iconophilia and iconoclasm be recognised through the question of how imagery influences our perception of the revolution? How does how we struggle with images change or fail to change perceptions of history? And, what is the impact of revolutions on art?

Find out more by attending the discussion on the 8th November or by keeping an eye out for the TTT English-language highlights video which will be produced post-discussion.


Iara Boubnova is an art historian and one of the founders of the Sofia Institute for Contemporary Art. She has been the curator of several leading art projects in the field of contemporary art and holds a doctorate in the history of contemporary art from the Russian Academy of Arts.

Visitor and reservation information:

This will be a Bulgarian-language debate in The Red House’s Red Hall in Sofia. Full price tickets to attend can be purchased for 2 leva, with concessionary tickets available for 1 leva. To reserve a seat, either call +359 (0) 2 988 81 88 / +359 (0) 885 828 532 or e-mail office@redhouse-sofia.org.

The Red House itself can be found at 15 Ljuben Karavelov St, Sofia 1142.


публикувано на: 08/11/2017

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